Amiira Collection takes your privacy as seriously as you do. Below are details on how we protect your private information.

W3C/P3P Standard supports the W3C / P3P standard. You can view our basic privacy policy directly through your browser.

Private Customer Data
Your address, email address, telephone number, and other identifying information will only be used to verify and process payments (credit card), to contact you if necessary, and to ship your order.

We do not sell or share information about our users for other purposes.

Junk Email (Spam) does NOT send unsolicited email or spam. If you do not wish to receive email notifications, we will not send you any data.

Browser Cookies
Our shopping cart uses a small file on your computer to keep track of your selections. This is called an “HTTP Cookie” or simply a “Cookie”. A cookie is a file stored on your computer that does not exceed 4k (4 kilobytes). This file cannot be executed as a program and cannot be read by other websites; Amiira Collection is the only site allowed to read this file. Some websites sell cookie information to marketing agencies and similar organizations. Amiira Collection does NOT use cookies for any type of statistical research or sales to such organizations. Your cookie is only used to keep track of your shopping cart content. All items you add to your shopping cart are stored on our system, and our cookie is the key to your shopping cart. You can delete all information stored with our cookie by selecting the ‘Delete Store’ link in our menu.